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1 Shell notes

GNU Bash manual


# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
  . /etc/bashrc

# If not running interactively, exit
[[ $- =~ i ]] && return

# User specific environment
if ! [[ "$PATH" =~ "$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin:" ]]
export PATH

# User specific aliases and functions
if [ -d ~/.bashrc.d ]; then
  for rc in ~/.bashrc.d/*; do
    if [ -f "$rc" ]; then
      . "$rc"

unset rc

export HISTSIZE=10000
export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace:erasedups

reset=$(tput sgr0)
color=$(tput setaf 6)
export PS1="($?) \[${color}\]\W\[${reset}\] "

alias ls='ls --color=auto -Ax --group-directories-first -1'
alias rm='rm -Iv'
alias cp='cp -v'
alias tree='tree -a -F'
export EDITOR=vim

1.1 Bash commands

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • Tab : Auto complete
  • ^i : Auto complete
  • ~ Tab Tab : List all users
  • ^a : Beginning of line
  • ^e : End of line
  • ^f : Forward one character
  • ^b : Back one character
  • Alt f : Forward one word
  • Alt b : Back one word
  • ^h : Delete one character (backwards)
  • ^w : Delete one word (backwards)
  • ^u : Clear to beginning of line
  • ^k : Clear to end of line
  • Alt d : Remove from character to end of word
  • Alt Backspace : Remove from character until start of word
  • ^y : Paste from Kill Ring (deleted characters)
  • ^t : Swap cursor with previous character
  • Alt t : Swap cursor with previous word
  • ^p : Previous line in history
  • ^n : Next line in history
  • ^r : Search backwards in history
  • ^l : Clear screen
  • ^o : Execute command but keep line
  • ^z : Suspend process to background
  • ^c : Kill current process
  • ^d : Exit shell
  • Alt . : Use last argument of previous command
  • ^s : Suspend command output
  • ^q : Resume command output
  • Alt r : Revert changes to the line
  • Alt u : Change word to uppercase
  • Alt l : Change word to lowercase
  • Alt c : Capitalize word

Command shortcuts:

  • !! : Substitutes to last command
  • !* : Substitutes to last command except its first word
  • !*:p : Display command of !*
  • !x : Substitutes to most recent command from history that begins with x
  • !x:p : Display command of !x
  • !$ : Substitutes to last argument of the previous command
  • !$:p : Display command of !$
  • !^ : Substitutes to first argument of last command
  • ^x^y : Replace x with y
  • !n : Repeat nth command in history
  • !n:p : Display command of !n:p
  • fg : Restore background process to foreground
  • bg : Continue process in background

1.2 Scripting

Set useful shell options in scripts.

set -o errtrace # (-E) `trap 'abc' ERR` is triggered on SIGERR in functions/subshells/command substitutions
set -o errexit  # (-e) SIGERR on non-zero exit status of a pipeline
set -o nounset  # (-u) error on unset variables and parameters
set -o pipefail # return status of a pipeline is the last command with a non-zero return status
set -Eeuo pipefail # short version of options above
set -o xtrace   # (-x) display ${PS4} followed by the command and its expanded arguments
set -o noexec   # (-n) read commands but do not execute them (for syntax check)
set -o noglob   # (-f) disable pathname expansion

shopt -s inherit_errexit  # command substitution inherits the value of the errexit option
shopt -s expand_aliases   # enable aliases
shopt -s nullglob         # unmatched pathname expansion becomes empty string
shopt -s dotglob          # pathname expansion * also matches files with leading '.'
shopt -u globstar         # pathname expansion ** 
shopt -s extglob          # extended pathname Expansion

shopt # show all with status
shopt extglob # show extglob status

Check that input variables are set with the no-op command :.

#! /bin/bash
set -o errexit
set -o nounset

1.2.1 Control structures

if [ -r ~/.bashrc ]
  echo .bashrc is readable
  echo .bashrc is not readable

while [ -z "$(pidof command1)" ]; do

while true
  command1 && continue  # jump to next iteration
  command2 || break     # exit loop

for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do

case ${1} in

command1 && command2
command1 || command2
command1 && { success_command || : ; } || failure_command

function func
  command1 $@
  return 0
func 1 2 3

Function definition syntax alternatives:

function NAME { ; }
# or
NAME() { ; }

Call script argument as function:

function subcall
  return 0

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
  echo "USAGE: ${0} subcall"

Call function in subshell:

function subcall
  set -o errexit  # set 'e'
  echo "subcall options: $-"  # contains 'e' and 'u'
  echo ${ABC}     # errors since ABC is unset

set -o nounset   # set 'u'; is inherited by subshell
set +o errexit   # unset 'e'; don't SIGERR when subcall errors
( subcall )      # start function in subshell to separate its shell options
echo "main options: $-"   # no 'e' for errexit test

man test

[ -f file1.txt -o -f file2.txt ] && echo 'Either (regular) file1.txt or file2.txt exists'

[ -f file1.txt ] || [ -f file2.txt ] && echo 'Either (regular) file1.txt or file2.txt exists'

[ -w file.txt -a -r file.txt ] && echo 'File is both writable and readable'

[ ! -z "${1}" ] && echo 'String is non-zero'

# test with extended regular expression and print the matched string
[[ "${STRING}" =~ ${REGEX} ]] && echo ${BASH_REMATCH[0]}
# capture groups into BASH_REMATCH[] (skip item 0 in array)
[[ "ab12cd" =~ ([^[:digit:]]*)([[:digit:]]+) ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[@]:1}"

# three ways to test for 'i' (interactive) in shell option
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
[[ $- =~ i ]] && return
[ "${-#*i}" != "$-" ] && return Pipe status

# run commands in a pipe
true | false | true | false
# copy pipe statuses to another array
RET=( "${PIPESTATUS[@]}" )
echo "0: ${RET[0]}"  # 0
echo "1: ${RET[1]}"  # 1
echo "2: ${RET[2]}"  # 0
echo "3: ${RET[3]}"  # 1

1.2.2 Run jobs in parallel

Start processes in background:

# put single command in background
sleep 1s &

# put block of commands in background
{ sleep 2s; echo '2s done'; } &

# put block of commands with return code in background
  sleep 4s ; RET=$?
  echo '4s done'
  (exit $RET)
} &

wait # waits for all background jobs above

Run commands in parallel with xargs:

# find Makefiles and execute their default targets in parallel
find . -name Makefile -printf '%h\0' \
  | xargs --null --max-arg=1 --max-procs=4 \
    make --jobs=4 --directory

Run commands in parallel with GNU parallel:

sudo dnf install parallel
parallel --citation <<<'will cite' # silence citation notice
man parallel_examples

# run ping in parallel (up to 4)
parallel --max-args=1 --jobs 4 'ping -c 1 {} > /dev/null && echo {}' 2>/dev/null < ipaddresses.txt
# run commands in parallel and show their outputs in order
parallel --max-args=1 --keep-order < commands.txt
# compress files in parallel
parallel gzip '{}' ::: file{1..5}.txt

1.2.3 Parse arguments

set -o errexit
set -o nounset

while [ $# -gt 0 ]

  case ${OPT} in
      echo unrecognized option ${OPT}
  shift || :

Seperate options from non-options in argument array:

# format input items as "item1" : "item2" ...

# extract option items that begin with -
OPTIONS=$(awk -v RS=':' -v ORS=' ' '/^"-/' <<<"${ARGS}")
# extract other items y negating the pattern
OTHER=$(awk -v RS=':' -v ORS=' ' '$0 !~ /^"-/' <<<"${ARGS}") Read input

read -p 'Enter the number: ' NUM
echo Number = ${NUM}

Read lines of input from file:

while read -r ITEM
  echo ${ITEM}
done < <(find . -name '*.html')

Use select to show a menu of numbered selections.

PS3='Select a number: '
select VAR in A B C
  # VAR contains selection based on entered number; REPLY contains the input
  echo you picked ${VAR} \(REPLY=$REPLY\)
  break # exits select loop
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo reply was EOF ; fi

1.2.4 trap

set -o errexit

# run command on SIGERR
trap 'die' ERR

  echo "Failed on line ${BASH_LINENO}"
  exit 1

false # run command that fails
# remove trap for SIGTERM and SIGINT
trap - TERM INT
# trap all signals
trap 'kill -9 ${SPIN_PID}' $(seq 0 15)

1.3 Variable substitutions

Shell parameter expansion.

# remove everything before /
echo ${ARG##*/} # c

# remove trailing comma
echo ${ARG/%,/}  # ,a,b,c
# remove leading comma
echo ${ARG/#,/}  # a,b,c,
# remove all commas anywhere
echo ${ARG//,/}  # abc

# "capture"; include matched string in substitution with &
shopt -s patsub_replacement   # (set by default)
ARRAY=( 'red' 'green' 'blue' ) # substitution will act on each array element in turn
echo ${ARRAY[@]//*/:&:}       # :red: :green: :blue:
echo ${ARRAY[@]//*/'&'}       # & & &

# get length of array
ARRAY=( 'a' 'b' 'c' )
echo ${#ARRAY[@]} # 3
${param:=word}valuewordwordAssign default
${param=word}value''wordAssign default
${param:?word}valueerror worderror wordError missing
${param?word}value''error wordError missing
${param%pattern}Remove smallest suffix pattern match.Z='a.b.c'; ${Z%.*} = a.b
${param%%pattern}Remove largest suffix pattern match.Z='a.b.c'; ${Z%%.*} = a
${param#pattern}Remove smallest prefix pattern match.Z='/a/b/c'; ${Z#?*/} = b/c
${param##pattern}Remove largest prefix pattern match.Z='/a/b/c'; ${Z##*/} = c
${param/pattern/string}Replace first match.Z=x23; ${Z/[0-9]/y} = xy3
${param//pattern/string}Replace all matches.Z=x23; ${Z//?/y} = yyy
${param/#pattern/string}Replace first match at beginning.Z=33x; ${Z/#3} = 3x
${param/%pattern/string}Replace first match at end.Z=x33; ${Z/%3} = x3
${param^pattern}Uppercase first character if match.Z=aaa; ${Z^a} = Aaa
${param^^pattern}Uppercase every matching character.Z=abc; ${Z^^[b-c]} = aBC
${param,pattern}Lowercase first character if match.Z=AAA; ${Z,A} = aAA
${param,,pattern}Lowercase every matching character.Z=ABC; ${Z,,[B-C]} = Abc

Bash 4.4 introduced ${param@operator} to transform param.

${param@U}To uppercase.Z=abc; ${Z@U} = ABC
${param@u}First character to uppercase.Z=abc; ${Z@u} = Abc
${param@L}To lowercase.Z=ABC; ${Z@L} = abc
${param@Q}To quoted.Z=$'\t'; ${Z@Q} = \t
${param@E}Expand backslash escapes.Z='\u61'; ${Z@E} = a
${param@P}Expand like PS1 prompt.Z='\s'; ${Z@P} = bash
${param@A}Expand to assignment statement.declare -ir Z=1; ${Z@A} = declare -ir Z=1
${param@K}Expand array to quoted key-values.Z=(a b); ${Z[@]@K} = 0 "a" 1 "b"
${param@k}Expand array to word split key-values.Z=(a b); ${Z[@]@k} = 0 a 1 b
${param@a}Expand to parameter attributes.declare -ir Z=1; ${Z@a} = ir

Pattern matching. Except * and ?, the patterns below require shopt -s extglob. A pattern list is one or more patterns separated by ‘|’.

*Any string or null.Z=abc; ${Z/*b} = c
?Any character.Z=abc; ${Z/??} = c
[set]Any of the character set.Z=abc; ${Z/[b-c]} = ac
[!set]Any not of the character set.Z=abc; ${Z/[!bc]} = bc
?(list)Zero or one patterns.Z=a1bc; ${Z/a?(1|2)b} = c
*(list)Zero or more patterns.Z=axxxbc; ${Z/a*(x)b} = c
+(list)One or more patterns.Z=abbc; ${Z/a?(b)} = c
@(list)Any of the patterns.Z=abc; ${Z/a@([a-b]|[b-c])} = c
!(list)Not any of the patterns.Z=abc; ${Z^^!([ab])} = abC

1.3.1 Substring and array indexing

Expand a string/array to a substring/subarray using the syntax below. start and length are integers; if negative, they must be preceded by space after :. The first element has index 0.

  • ${VAR:start}: substring from start to end.
  • ${VAR: -start}: substring from (end-start) to end.
  • ${VAR:start:length}: substring from start to (start+length).
  • ${VAR:start: -length}: substring from start to (end-length).
  • ${VAR: -start: -length}: substring from (end-start) to (end-length).
echo ${STRING:1} # 2345

ARRAY=( 1 2 3 4 5)
echo ${ARRAY[@]:1} # 2 3 4 5

1.3.2 Arguments whitespace quoting

Use "$@" to quote each argument and avoid splitting on every whitespace.

q() {
  A=( $* )   ; echo ${A[@]@K} # 0 "a" 1 "a" 2 "b" 3 "b"
  A=( $@ )   ; echo ${A[@]@K} # 0 "a" 1 "a" 2 "b" 3 "b"
  A=( "$*" ) ; echo ${A[@]@K} # 0 " a a b b"
  A=( "$@" ) ; echo ${A[@]@K} # 0 " a a " 1 " b b"
# two arguments containing whitespace
q '  a  a '    \ \ b\ \ b
# move files to different directories
f() {
  cp "${@:1:1}" /path/for/first/
  cp "${@:2}" /path/for/rest/

1.3.3 Substitutions

# expand sequences
echo {0..9} # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
echo {a..z} # a b c d ...
echo {a..c}{a..d} # aa ab ac ad ba bb ...
printf '%03d ' {1..100} ; echo # 001 002 003 004 ...
printf '%s, ' 10.1.{1..255}.{1..255} #,,, ...

Alternative to make sequences with seq:

seq --separator=, 0 2 20
seq --format='%.2f' 0 0.5 4  # increment floating point numbers
# make backup file (example.conf.YYYY-MM-dd.bak)
cp example.conf{,.$(date +%F).bak}

1.3.4 envsubst

echo 'MY_VAR=${MY_VAIR}' > input.txt
export MY_VAR=abc
envsubst '$MY_VAR' < input.txt > output.txt

1.4 Pathname expansion (globbing)

Bash interprets unqouted characters *, ?, and [ as file name patterns and replaces the input with a sorted list of matching file names. shopt -s extglob enables the extended pattern syntax using pattern-list, where pattern-list is one or more patterns separated by |.

PatternMatch rule
*any substring, including the empty string
**any file or directory descending into subdirectories (if globstar is enabled)
**/any directory descending into subdirectories (if globstar is enabled)
?any single character
[...]any of the enclosed characters ([abc]), range ([a-z]), or class ([[:class:]])
[^...]any character not enclosed (alternatively [!...])
?(pattern-list)zero or one occurrence
*(pattern-list)zero or more occurrences
+(pattern-list)one or more occurrences
@(pattern-list)one occurrence
!(pattern-list)no occurrence
ls *.txt
ls *[^[:alnum:][:punct:]]*
shopt -s extglob
ls !(nothisfile.txt)
ls *!(.txt) # files without .txt extension
ls ?(*/)@(.|..)
# includes filenames beginning with a '.', but . and .. only match explicitly
shopt -s dotglob
# raise error if file glob pattern fails to match
shopt -s failglob
# expands to empty string if pattern fails to match
shopt -s nullglob
shopt -s globstar
ls **.txt
ls ./tmp.**/
shopt -s nocaseglob
ls a*.txt
# remove matching files if they also match pattern in GLOBIGNORE
GLOBIGNORE=*.txt ls *
  # setting GLOBIGNORE enables dotglob

1.5 File descriptors

# open readfile as file descriptor 3 for reading:
exec 3< readfile
cat <&3 # read

# open writefile as file descriptor 4 for writing:
exec 4> writefile
echo -en 'hello\n' >&4 # write

# make file descriptor 5 a copy of file descriptor 0:
exec 5<&0

# close file descriptor 3:
exec 3<&-

# open file descriptor 3 for both reading and writing a file
exec 3<>file ; 
cat <&3 # reads to end
echo 'abcdef' >&3
echo '123456' >&3
exec 3>&-
# or 
{ cat <&3 ; echo -n 'output' >&3 ; } 3<> file

# check open descriptors for current shell
ls -l /proc/$$/fd/
ls -l /proc/$$/fd/3

Bash opens a TCP socket to host:port when redirecting to /dev/tcp/host/port. It opens a UDP socket to host:port when redirecting to /dev/udp/host/port.

# send HTTP data over TCP connection and output response
  echo -e "GET ${RESOURCE} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ${HOSTNAME}\r\n\r" >&3
  cat <&3
} 3<> /dev/tcp/${HOSTNAME}/${PORT}
echo $? # 0 if connection was successful

1.6 Colors

# print 256 shell colors with ANSI escape codes (48 for background; 38 is foreground)
for i in {0..255} ; do echo -en "\e[48;5;${i}m ${i} \e[0m" ; done ; echo
  # \e[38:5:<i>m  foreground color
  # \e[48:5:<i>m  background color

# print the 8 colors and 8 bright colors as foreground
for i in {30..37} {90..97} ; do echo -en "\e[${i}m ${i} \e[0m"; done; echo
# print the 8 colors and 8 bright colors as background
for i in {40..47} {100..107} ; do echo -en "\e[${i}m ${i} \e[0m"; done; echo

# ANSI escape code text effects (and their off codes)
echo -e '\e[0m' # reset all
echo -e '\e[1m Bold'            '\e[22m'
echo -e '\e[2m Faint'           '\e[22m'
echo -e '\e[3m Italic'          '\e[23m'
echo -e '\e[4m Underline'       '\e[24m'
echo -e '\e[7m Reverse/invert'  '\e[27m'
echo -e '\e[8m Hide'            '\e[28m'
echo -e '\e[9m Strike'          '\e[29m'

# set both bold and color
echo -e '\e[1;31m Hello \e[0m'

# using \x1b instead of \e
echo -e '\x1b[31m Hello \x1b[0m'

# print the 8 tput colors as foreground
for i in {0..7}; do echo -n $(tput setaf ${i}) COLOR ${i} $(tput sgr0); done; echo
# print the 8 tput colors as background
for i in {0..7}; do echo -n $(tput setab ${i}) COLOR ${i} $(tput sgr0); done; echo

# store escape sequence in variable
reset=$(tput sgr0)
color=$(tput setaf 1)
echo ${color} Hello ${reset}
declare -p color  # print the assignment with \E value

# tput text effects
tput bold;  echo '(bold) Bold';                             tput sgr0 # reset
tput smul;  echo '(smul) Underlined';                       tput rmul # end underline mode
tput rev;   echo '(rev)  Reversed/inverted';                tput sgr0 # reset
tput smso;  echo '(smso) Standout mode, probably inverted'; tput rmso # end standout mode
tput invis; echo '(invis) Invisible mode';                  tput sgr0

# print number of colors in terminal
tput colors
# test if stdout goes to a terminal (and not redirected to a file)
test -t 1 && echo 'stdout is a terminal'

1.7 Odds and ends

# Print bash startup commands with the corresponding script files
# (Updates PS4 output; then run login shell command ':' with xtrace)
PS4='+ $BASH_SOURCE:$FUNCNAME:$LINENO:' bash -lxc : 2>&1

# print declared variables
declare -p
declare -F # only function names
declare -f function_name # print function definition
# print file and line number where function is declared
shopt -s extdebug
declare -F function_name
# show aliases
alias -p
alias alias_name
# print available commands with name command_name
type -a command_name
# prints all paths to the executable
type -P -a command_name

# escape non-printable characters in file with $'' syntax
printf '%q' "$(<file.txt)"

# $_ holds the last argument to the previous simple command
: $(echo 123)
echo $_ # shows: echo 123

# get full path of script
SCRIPT_PATH=$(dirname $(readlink -f ${0}))

# create a temporary directory (with template name)
TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir="${PWD}" -t script123-XXXXXXXX)

# expand string with backslash-escaped characters replaced as specified by the ANSI C standard
curl --data $'first line\nsecond line'

# character classes in glob patterns
ls [[:digit:]]*   # digits [0-9]
ls [[:lower:]]*   # lowercase letters (locale-specific)
ls [[:upper:]]*   # uppercase letters (locale-specific)
ls [[:alpha:]]*   # uppercase and lowercase letters (locale-specific)
ls [[:alnum:]]*   # digits, uppercase and lowercase letters (locale-specific)
ls [[:blank:]]*   # space and TAB
ls [[:cntrl:]]*   # control characters [\x00-\x7F]
ls [[:graph:]]*   # graphical characters; i.e. not control characters
ls [[:print:]]*   # graphical characters and space
ls [[:punct:]]*   # [-!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~]
ls [[:space:]]*   # all blank characters: [ \t\n\r\f\v]
ls [[:xdigit:]]*  # hexadecimal digits [0-9A-Fa-f]

ls [!A-C[:lower:]]*  # not letters A, B, C, nor lowercase letters

1.7.1 Emojis and Unicode

Unicode table sets


# output Unicode; \xHH \uHHHH \UHHHHHHHH
echo -e '\x41' '\u2728' '\U1F680' # A ✨ 🚀

# output more Unicode
UNICODE=$(printf '%u\n' 0x1F311)
for (( i=0; i < 8; i++ ))
  echo -ne '\U'$( printf '%X' $((UNICODE+i)) ) ' '

# convert hexadecimal to decimal
echo $((16#FF))
# convert decimal to hexadecimal
printf '%u\n' 0xFF

1.7.2 Spinner

Show a spinner by printing characters in the background while command runs.

  while true
    echo -n '\'; echo -en '\010'; sleep 0.2
    echo -n '|'; echo -en '\010'; sleep 0.2
    echo -n '/'; echo -en '\010'; sleep 0.2
    echo -n '-'; echo -en '\010'; sleep 0.2
spin &
# kill spinner on any signal including exit.
trap "kill -9 ${SPIN_PID}" $(seq 0 15)

sleep 2s # long running work

2 Linux CLI tools

Rosetta Stone for UNIX

# search the manpages short desciptions for 'net-tools' (apropos)
man -k net-tools
# show one-line manual page descriptions matching 'hostname' (whatis)
man -f hostname

# print date at a specific time zone
TZ='America/Los_Angeles' date +%T
TZ='Etc/GMT0' date +%T
tree /usr/share/zoneinfo/ # show paths valid for TZ
# print seconds since the Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00 UTC) for a specific date
date --date "2022-10-25 00:00:00" +%s
# print now with a format
date +%Y-%m-%d-%T
date --rfc-3339=ns
# print date with offset
date +%T --date='-1 h'
# different options on BSD and macos
date -j -v-1H "+%Y-%m-%d %T"
# convert seconds since Epoch into date string
NOW="$(date +%s)"
date --date "@${NOW}" +%T

# convert numbers from strings
numfmt --from=iec-i 1Ki

# show calendar

# print in columns
echo -en '1\t\t2\t3' | column -t -N "Col1,Col2,Col3"

# time a process
time sleep 5ms
# time a process with date
BEGIN="$(date +%s)"
sleep 2s
END="$(date +%s)"
echo $((${END} - ${BEGIN}))

# timeout a command
timeout 3s sleep 4s # wait at most 3 seconds
[ $? -eq 124 ] && echo 'Timed out'

# show diff side by side
diff --side-by-side --ignore-all-space file1.txt file2.txt
# print filetype of a file with extension
xdg-mime query filetype text.txt
# print the .desktop file of the default application for a filetype
xdg-mime query default text/plain
# set the default .desktop file for a filetype
xdg-mime default code.desktop text/plain
# open a file with default desktop application
xdg-open text.txt

2.1 runs jobs in parallel

sudo dnf install parallel

2.2 System information

cat /etc/os-release
uname --all
uname --kernel-release --kernel-version
uname --nodename; hostname
# list initramfs/initrd images
ls -lrt /boot/initramfs*

# system uptime
uptime --pretty

man 5 proc
cat /proc/$$/status  # human-readable /proc/PID/stat and /proc/PID/statm

# show memory usage
top -o +%MEM
free --human
cat /proc/meminfo
cat /proc/${PID}/status | awk '$1 == "VmRSS:" || $1 == "VmHWM:"'
vmstat --unit M  # processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, disks and cpu statistics
vmstat 4 5  # 4 sec intervals, 5 intervals
vmstat --stats
# show CPU usage
top -o +%CPU
# display IO device and CPU statistics (install sysstat)
iostat --human
iostat -p nvme0n1 # show device statistics

# report file system space usage
df --human-readable --o # print with all output fields
# output selected fields and remove header
df -h --output=source,fstype,itotal,iused,iavail,ipcent,size,used,avail,pcent,file,target \
  | tail --lines=+2
# show only selected file system types, sorted by available size (outputs header separately)
df --type=ext4 --type=vfat --type=btrfs -h --output=target,avail,pcent,size \
  | { read -r HEADER; echo "${HEADER}" ; sort --human-numeric-sort --key=2,2 --reverse ; }
# report file systems where files are -- in SI powers of 1000
df --si --human-readable --print-type /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2

findmnt # show mounted file systems with options
lsblk --output-all
# list block devices
lsblk --fs --paths

# PCI devices numbers and names
lspci -nnk

2.2.1 top

top -O # list fields
# mebibytes, sorted by memory, non-root
top -E m -e m -o %MEM -U '!0'

Interactive commands:

  • h: show help.
  • W: write out toprc file (path to file is displayed).
  • e: cycle task memory scale.
  • E: cycle summary memory scale.
  • f: set shown fields.
  • c: toggle between command-line and program name for the COMMAND field.
  • x: toggle highlight of sorted field.
  • z: toggle colors.
  • Z: set colors.
  • i: toggle display of idle processes (0 % CPU since last refresh).

2.2.2 journalctl

man 7 systemd.journal-fields

systemctl status --type=service
systemctl --all list-unit-files

# check for errors in dracut services logs
journalctl --since today --unit 'dracut*' --grep 'fatal|error|fail'

journalctl --follow --unit NetworkManager.service

journalctl --no-pager --since today --grep 'fail|error|fatal'

journalctl --user-unit=container-CONTAINER_NAME.service

# count error logs per executable
journalctl --no-pager --since today --priority=err --output json \
  | jq '._EXE' \
  | sort \
  | uniq -c \
  | sort --numeric --reverse --key='1,1'
  # syslog log levels:
  # 0=emerg, 1=alert, 2=crit, 3=err, 4=warning, 5=notice, 6=info, 7=debug

# log lines with explanation texts from the message catalog.
journalctl --catalog --pager-end --unit=firewalld

# send journal logs
python3 -c 'from systemd import journal; journal.send("foo\nbar")'
journalctl -n1 -o export

2.2.3 ps process information

PID=$(pidof -s bash) # single pid
PIDS=$(pidof firefox) # one or more pid

# process selection
ps -x  # list all processs owned by own effective UID
ps -ax # list all processes
ps -A  # list all processes
ps -e  # list all processes
ps -A r # list all running processes
ps -A --deselect r # list all non-running processes
ps -C bash # select PID by command; NOTE: commands were max. 15 characters in older versions
ps --pid ${PIDS}  # select by PID
ps --ppid ${PIDS} # select by parent PID
ps --user $(id -u)  # select by effective UID
ps --User $(id -ur)  # select by real UID
ps --group $(id -g)  # select by effective GID
ps --Group $(id -gr) # select by real GID
ps --tty $(tty) # select by tty
# inverse the selection
ps --deselect --user 0 --user 1000
ps --deselect -d # select only session leaders

# output formats
ps -C bash -o pid --no-header # get PID of command
ps --pid ${PID} e -w -w -o args # show environment with unlimited width
ps c --forest # show true command with process trees
ps --context # show SELinux context
ps -f # full-format listing.
ps -F # extra full-format listing.
ps -f k +uid,-ppid,+pid # sort by columns
ps -f --sort user,-ppid,+pid # sort by columns (GNU)
ps -f n # output numeric UID and GID
ps -Z # add SELinux column
ps u # user-oriented format
ps s # signal format
ps v # virtual memory format
ps X # register format
ps --format pid,ppid,args # user-defined column format; short option -o
ps L # list all column format specifiers
ps -o pid,format,state,tname,time,command
ps -o pid,format,tname,time,cmd
ps -o pid,ruser=RealUser -o comm=Command # rename header columns
ps -o pid= -o comm= # remove header of columns
ps -o '%p %y %x %c' # AIX format specifiers
ps -T  # show threads with SPID (thread ID)
ps S --forest # sum resource information of process and its forked children

Some format specifiers:

HeaderNormalAIX codeDescription
PIDpid%pprocess ID
PPIDppid%Pprocess parent ID
PGIDpgid/pgrp%rprocess group ID
Ss/stateprocess state code, one character
STATstatprocess state code, multiple characters
COMMANDcommand/cmd/args%acommand with all its arguments
COMMANDcomm%cexecutable name
EXEexepath to the executable
TIMEtime/cputime%xCPU time in "[DD-]HH:MM:SS" format
TIMEcputimesCPU time in seconds
ELAPSEDetime%telapsed time since process start in [[DD-]hh:]mm:ss format
ELAPSEDetimeselapsed time since process start in seconds
STARTEDstart/lstarttime the command started
%CPUpcpu/%cpu%Ccputime over realtime ratio in “##.#” format (percent)
Cccputime over realtime ratio in “##” format (percent)
CPcp1/10 of cputime over realtime ratio (per-mille)
%MEMpmem/%memresident set size (rss)/physical memory in percentage
RSSrss/rssizeresident set size; the non-swapped physical memory used in KB
SZszphysical pages of the core image, including text, data, and stack space
VSZvsz%zvirtual memory size in KiB
SIZEsizevirtual size of the process (code+data+stack) and approximate swap space required
DRSdrsdata resident set size, the physical memory not for executable code
MINFLTmin_fltminor page faults that have occurred
MAJFLTmaj_fltmajor page faults that have occurred
GROUPgroup/egroup%G(effective) group name
USERuser/uname/euser%U(effective) user name
UIDuid(effective) user ID
GIDgid(effective) group ID
RGROUPrgroup%greal group name
RUSERruser%ureal user ID
LUIDluidlogin ID
NInice/ni%nnice value, from 19 (nicest) to -20
TTtt/tty%ycontrolling tty (terminal); alt. tname
NLWPnlwpnumber of threads
UNITunitsystemd unit process belongs to
UUNITuunitsystemd user unit process belongs to
LABELlabelSELinux security label
CGROUPcgroupcontrol groups
IPCNSipcnsinode number of IPC namespace
NETNSnetnsinode number of network namespace
MNTNSmntnsinode number of mount namespace
PIDNSpidnsinode number of process namespace
USERNSusernsinode number of user namespace
UTSNSutsnsinode number of hostname namespace

Process state codes (used in STAT and S column values):

Duninterruptible sleep (usually IO)
IIdle kernel thread
Rrunning or runnable (on run queue)
Sinterruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete)
Tstopped by job control signal
tstopped by debugger during the tracing
Wpaging (not valid since the 2.6.xx kernel)
Xdead (should never be seen)
Zdefunct (“zombie”) process, terminated but not reaped by its parent
<(BSD) high-priority (not nice to other users)
N(BSD) low-priority (nice to other users)
L(BSD) has pages locked into memory (for real-time and custom IO)
s(BSD) is a session leader
l(BSD) is multi-threaded (using CLONE_THREAD, like NPTL pthreads do)
+(BSD) is in the foreground process group
# get PID of a command
PID="$(ps -C ${CMD} -o pid --no-header | tr -dc '[:digit:]')"

# send SIGTERM
kill -TERM ${PID}
kill -s TERM ${PID}
kill -n 15 ${PID}
# show a list of signals
kill -l

2.3 Archives and backups

# backup files
rsync -av ${HOME}/Downloads /run/media/backup/
  # -a is -rlptgoD
  # recursive; preserve symlinks; set same permissions, time, group, owner; recreate device files

# delete files older than 7 days
find /backups/* -mtime +7 -delete

Archiving with tar:

# create file.tar from files in 'path/', exclude tar files, follow symlinks, don't descend into directories
tar -c -f file.tar -C path --exclude=*.tar* -h --no-recursion ./*
# list files in archive
tar -tf file.tar

# extract and use archive suffix to determine the compression program
tar -xaf file.tar.gz
# determine file type
file unknownfile
# suffixes:
  # bzip2:    .tar.bz2
  # xz:       .tar.xz
  # lzip      .tar.lz
  # lzma      .tar.lzma
  # lzop:     .tar.lzo
  # gzip:     .tar.gz
  # compress: .tar.Z
  # zstd:     .tar.zst

# create a dated backup archive
tar -zcf backup-$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.gz -C /path/to/files FILE...
# extract 7-Zip
sudo dnf install p7zip
7za x file.7z -ooutput_dir
# extract and untar
7za x -so directory.tar.7z | tar xf -
# extract RAR
sudo dnf install unrar
unrar x -ppassword file.rar output_dir/
# view members
ar tv package.deb
# extract MEMBER
ar x package.deb MEMBER
# extract member to stdout
ar p package.deb MEMBER > MEMBER

# change MEMBER...

cp package.deb package-modified.deb
# insert member with replacement (owner becomes current user)
ar r package-modified.deb MEMBER

2.4 crontab

sudo dnf install cronie
crontab -l # display crontab
crontab -e # edit cron table
crontab -ri # remove cron table, with prompt
sudo crontab -e -u username # edit for other user
cat /etc/crontab

# restrict use of crontab tool
echo username1 | sudo tee --append /etc/cron.allow
echo username2 | sudo tee --append /etc/cron.deny

Schedule format: m h d M D command. Month (M) is 1-12. Numerical day-of-week (D) is 0-6 with sunday as 0.

  • *: any value.
  • x-y: inclusive range.
  • x,y,z: list of expressions.
  • */x: interval of x.

Example schedules:

  • Daily at 8:15 and 20:15: 15 8,20 * * *
  • Weekdays every half hour between 9-17: */30 9-17 * * 1-5
  • Every 1st of january: 0 0 1 1 *

Day-of-month and day-of-week only only intersected if using */x, otherwise a union used. I.e. 0 0 1 * 1 runs on the 1st of every month as well as on every monday, while 0 0 */20 * 1 runs every 20th day only if it’s a monday.

2.5 moreutils

  • chronic: runs a command quietly, unless it fails.
  • combine: combine the lines in two files using boolean operations.
  • errno: look up errno names and descriptions.
  • ifdata: get network interface info without parsing ifconfig output.
  • ifne: run a program if the standard input is not empty.
  • isutf8: check if a file or standard input is utf-8.
  • lckdo: execute a program with a lock held.
  • mispipe: pipe two commands, returning the exit status of the first.
  • parallel: run multiple jobs at once (contained in moreutils-parallel sub package).
  • pee: tee standard input to pipes.
  • sponge: soak up standard input and write to a file.
  • ts: timestamp standard input.
  • vidir: edit a directory in your text editor.
  • vipe: insert a text editor into a pipe.
  • zrun: automatically uncompress arguments to command.
sudo dnf install moreutils

2.6 File management

# rename multiple files
rename --no-act --verbose -- STRING REPLACEMENT ./*  # dry run
rename --no-overwrite --verbose -- STRING REPLACEMENT ./*

# show directory sizes
du --summarize --human-readable /path/to/dir
du -hs ./* | sort --human-numeric-sort --key=1,1

2.6.1 stat

stat shows file metadata in formatted output.

# access bits, access bits octal, owner user, owner group, bytes size, name, type
stat --format='%A (%a) %U:%g %s %n %F' file
# show mount point
stat --format='%m' file
# file system
stat --format='%T' --file-system file
# show SELinux context
stat --format='%n %C' file
# show update times
stat --printf='Birth:    %w \nAccess:   %x\nModified: %y\nStatus:   %z\n' file

2.6.3 Vim

Useful Vim controls:

'.      " return cursor to last edit
ctrl+o  " move to previous jump position
ctrl+i  " move to next jump position
mX      " set global mark X (using uppercase makes it global)
'X      " go to global mark X (at start of line)
`X      " go to global mark X (at exact cursor position)
:marks  " show marks
ctrl+d  " half-page down
ctrl+u  " half-page up
zz      " center cursor in window
ctrl+e  " scroll down without moving cursor (though it sticks to top)
ctrl+y  " scroll down without moving cursor (though it sticks to bottom)
10|     " move to 10th column

"+P        " paste from system clipboard (use * instead of + for PRIMARY selection)
"+yy       " copy line to system clipboard
:'<,'>"+y  " copy visual selection to system clipboard (or use "+y in visual mode)

" run external command on visual selection (replaces text with output)
:'<,'>!awk -f script.awk
:'<,'>!column -t -s ','
" run external command on entire file (replaces text with output)
:!stat %   " use current file name in command

:read FILE       " insert contents of FILE at cursor
:read !COMMAND   " insert output of COMMAND at cursor

:Lexplore             " open netrw in left pane
:vertical resize -10  " resize window
ctrl+w ctrl+w         " cycle window focus
ctrl+w l              " switch window focus right
ctrl+w h              " switch window focus left
ctrl+w 10>            " increase window width by 10 columns
ctrl+w -10>           " decrease window width by 10 columns
ctrl+w q              " quit window

fx  " go to next character `x` inclusive
tx  " go to next character `x` exclusive
;   " continue forwards to next character `x`
,   " go backwards to previous character `x`

:g/regex  " search and list results with line numbers (go to line n with :n)
ctrl+n  " iterate autocompletions in insert mode

In command line mode:

ctrl+r "    " paste from default register
ctrl+r +    " paste from system clipboard Indent/de-indent block:

shift+v  " enter visual mode to select a block.
>        " to indent
<        " to de-indent
.        " to repeat Re-order lines

dd   " delete and yank each line in the desired final order.
"1P  " paste above from register 1.
.    " repeat while updating register 1 to the next register.

:display " show registers
ddkP  " move line up
ddP   " move line down
J     " join line with next line
yyp   " duplicate line

,+10 move +20  " move line from current line + 10 to 20 lines down

J         " join line from below with space separator
r<Enter>  " replace character at cursor with newline Insert at multiple lines

ctrl+v  " to enter column visual mode
d       " to delete selection
I       " to insert before selection
A       " to insert after selection
Escape  " to exit visual mode Search and replace all matches

" search and replace all (c for confirm)
/search term\c  " search case-insensitive
/search term\C  " search case-sensitive
cgn             " replace to end of search term highlight
n               " next match
.               " repeat the replace action
:noh            " un-highlight search terms
" search in selection
/\%Vsearch term ${HOME}/.vimrc

" show current setting value

:source ~/.vimrc  " source vimrc file
set exrc      " also source .vimrc in current folder
set mouse=    " disable mouse
set list      " show listchars for tabs, trailing, nbsp
set listchars=tab:>>,trail:-,nbsp:+  " characters to show for non-printables
set number relativenumber  " hybrid line numbers (i.e. relative with current line as absolute)
set ignorecase smartcase   " search case-insensitive except when any character is uppercase

set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab smarttab  " use spaces instead of tabs
set autoindent         " indent new line as previous line
set formatoptions-=t   " don't auto-wrap text
set formatoptions-=c   " don't auto-wrap comments
set formatoptions-=r   " don't automatically insert comment leader on Enter
set fileencodings=utf-8,latin1  " default file encodings
set scrolloff=999      " keep cursor in the middle of the screen

let g:netrw_banner = 0          " disable banner (toggle with I)
let g:netrw_liststyle = 3       " display as tree
let g:netrw_browse_split = 0    " reuse window when opening files (4 is reuse)
let g:netrw_winsize = 20        " explorer window size percentage

" remap shift+tab to de-indent in insert mode
inoremap <S-Tab> <C-O><<

" auto-save files under home
augroup AUTOSAVE
    autocmd TextChanged,InsertLeave,FocusLost ~/* if &readonly == 0 && filereadable(bufname('%')) | silent update | endif
augroup END

" remove autosave if environment variable is set
if $VIM_AUTOSAVE=="no"
    au! AUTOSAVE

colorscheme slate

NOTE: the autocmd events were not triggered when exiting insert mode with ctrl+c. To quickly exit insert mode, use Alt/Meta key plus a normal mode key (since the terminal sends an Escape first when using Alt/Meta+key).

Additional settings:

" highlight matching parenthesis as bold without coloring
hi MatchParen ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold

set syntax off     " turn off syntax highlighting
set cursorline     " highlight cursor line
set cursorcolumn   " highlight cursor column
set colorcolumn=80 " highlight column 80
set scrolloff=10   " screen lines kept above/below cursor (=999 to keep cursor in middle)

" set status line information
set statusline=%f%=%y\ %{&fileformat}\ %{&fileencoding==\"\"?&encoding:&fileencoding}\ \ L%l:C%c\

" key re-mappings
nnoremap <space> <nop>
let mapleader=" "
set timeoutlen=2000
nnoremap <leader>m :marks<CR>

" auto-complete parentheses
inoremap {<space> {}<left>
inoremap (<space> ()<left>
inoremap [<space> []<left>
inoremap "<space> ""<left>
inoremap '<space> ''<left>
" except when completing manually
inoremap {} {}
inoremap () ()
inoremap [] []
inoremap "" ""
" auto-add closing bracket after enter
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<up><CR>

startinsert  " start vim in insertmode (must be last in .vimrc)

2.6.4 setuid/setgid

Add the setgid bit to directories so that files created inside it get its group permissions.

chmod 2775 /path/to/dir
chmod g+s /path/to/dir

2.7 Text manipulation

# display line numbers on a file
cat -n file.txt
nl -ba file.txt
grep -n '^' file.txt
awk '{print NR " " $s}' file.txt

# display file contents in hexadecimal
hexdump -C file  # canonical format
hexdump -v -e '8/1 "%02x "' -e '" |"8/1 "%_p""|""\n"' file  # custom format
od --address-radix=d --format=cz --output-duplicates file
od --address-radix=x --format=x1z --output-duplicates file

# remove repeated whitespaces
echo 'Hello   foo     bar' | tr -s ' ' # Hello foo bar
# remove all whitespace
echo 'Hello   foo     bar' | tr -d ' ' # Hellofoobar
# replace complement of set
echo -n 'Hello/=?.;foo-_/%#"!bar1' | tr -c '[:lower:]' '_' # _ello_____foo_______bar_

# convert \r\n to \n
dos2unix file.txt
dos2unix --info=h *.txt # display file information

2.7.1 Here document


tee file <<EOF
Has variable substitution

tee file <<'EOF'
No variable substituion

Here string:

tee file <<<"
# Single quote escape for variable substitution
tee file <<<'

2.7.2 Multiple output

tee <file.txt &>/dev/null \
  >(wc --lines) \
  >(grep --count --invert-match '^$')

2.7.3 grep regex

# search without regular expressions
grep --fixed-strings '?+{|()' files
# extended regex interprets ? + { | ( ) without \-escapes
grep --extended-regex '(.*)' files

# specify pattern with --regex option or from file if it begins with -
grep ---regex='-+' --file='file.regex' files

# count non-empty lines
grep --count --invert-match '^$' files

# search in all files except dotfiles/dotdirectories
grep --recursive --ignore-case \
  --exclude='.*' --exclude-dir='.*' \
  ${PATTERN} ./

# perl-compatible regular expressions
man 3 pcre2pattern Capture groups

# non-capturing group
grep -E '(?:123|456)+' file
# backreference with \n
grep -E '\b(\w+)\W+[^\1]+\W+\1\b' file Lookaround

echo ${PATH} | grep --perl-regexp --only-matching '(?<=^|:)[^:]+(?=:|$)'

# extract query parameter value from URL
echo '' \
  | grep -Po '(?<=[?&]access_token=)[^&]+(?=&|$)'
pattern(?=pattern)positive lookahead; only match if followed by pattern.
pattern(?!pattern)negative lookahead; only match if not followed by pattern.
(?<=pattern)patternpositive lookbehind; only match if preceded by pattern.
(?<!pattern)patternnegative lookbehind; only match if not preceded by pattern.

Lookaround patterns must be fixed length; i.e. * and + and other variable length patterns aren’t allowed.

2.7.4 JSON processing

# URL-encode
echo -n 'a is b?' | jq --slurp --raw-input --raw-output '@uri'
# HTML-entity-encode
echo -n '&<>"' | jq -sRr @html
# tab-separated values
echo -n '[{"a":"1"},{"a":"2"}]' | jq --raw-output 'map(.a) | @tsv'

# merge two objects
jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' defaults.json overrides.json

2.7.5 XML processing

xmllint --auto --encode UTF8 --output example.xml  # generate an XML file
xmllint --format --recover example.xml             # format an XML file
xmllint -xpath '/parent/child[1]' example.xml      # first <child>
xmllint -xpath '//*[@id="example"]' example.xml    # any node with attribute value
xmllint -xpath '/parent/child = "a" or /parent/child = "b"' example.xml  # first <child>

2.7.6 sed

# delete comment lines
sed -i '/^#/d' file.txt
# delete non-comment lines
sed -i '/^#/!d' file.txt
# append newline if missing ($ matches EOF)
sed -i '$a\' file.txt
# print every fourth line starting at line 1 (first~step)
sed -n '1~3p' file.txt
# print lines 100-106
sed -n '100,+6p' file.txt
# transliterate letters to numbers
sed 'y/abcdefghij/0123456789/' file.txt
# add carriage return to end of line
sed -i 's/$/\r/' file.txt

# regex
sed -E -n '/^a+b$/p' <<<$'a\nb\naab\n' # aab
sed -E -n '/^[^[:space:]]+$/p' <<<$'\na\n \n\t\n\n' # a
# regex back-reference (print lines where uid=gid)
sed -E -n '/^\w+:x:(\w)+:\1/p' /etc/passwd

# exit 1 if a line starts with 'foo'
sed -n '/^foo/q1' file.txt

URL-encoder sed-script:

# encode.sed
s: :%20:g
# URL-encode
VALUE='% !#$&()*+,/:;<=>?@[\]^{|}'
sed --file=encode.sed <<<"${VALUE}'"

2.7.7 find and xargs

# grep on markdown files (runs: grep file1 file2 ...)
find notes/ -name '*.md' -type f -print0 \
  | xargs --verbose --null grep --fixed-strings --color 'ausearch'

# process files directly in starting point, but not the starting point itself
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1

# run find only on starting points (which are read from stdin)
ls --zero . | find -files0-from - -maxdepth 0 -regex 'PATTERN'

# skip directories lib and obj
find . '(' -path ./lib -o -path ./obj ')' -a -prune -o -print

# exit after finding a file (implicit -a)
find / -name needle -print -quit

# run make in each folder with a Makefile
find . \
  -name Makefile \
  -execdir make ';'
  # command exit code only affects find-expression; find exits with 0
  # use xargs to exit with error when a commands exits with error

# execute make processes in parallel
find . \
  -name Makefile \
  -printf '%h\0' \
  | xargs --null --max-arg=1 --max-procs=0 \
    make --directory

# exit on first error by returning 255 in command
find . \
  -name Makefile \
  -printf '%h\0' \
  | xargs --null -I '{}' \
    sh -c 'make --directory {} || exit 255'
  # parallel commands (using --max-procs) are waited for to terminate on error

# explain debug options
find -D help
# show diagnostics of exec
find -D exec . -type f -exec ls '{}' ';'

# find processes with a specific files open (LINK -> FILE \n USER TYPE ACCESS KB-SIZE CONTEXT)
sudo find /proc/*/fd/ -ilname '/path/*' -printf '%p -> %l\n  %u %y %a %k %Z\n'

2.8 Random character generation

# shuffle substrings
shuf --repeat --head-count=3 wordlist.txt | tr '\n' '-' | sed 's/-$//' # in-super-monkey
shuf --repeat --head-count=12 --echo {A..Z} {a..z} {0..9} | tr -d '\n' # V1TSiM4QZrpS
shuf --repeat --head-count=12 --input-range=0-99 | tr '\n' ','         # 11,96,98,57,...

# replace entropy pool numbers with printable characters
head /dev/urandom | tr --delete --complement '[:graph:]' | head --bytes=12
head /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc '[:alnum:]!"#$%&'\''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~' | head -c12

# generate a random number with C format specifications (diouxXfeEgGcs)
printf '%d\n' ${RANDOM}
printf '%#04x\n' $(( RANDOM % 256 ))  # 1 byte hexcode, e.g. 0x89

# generate 12 pseudo-random bytes in hexadecimal
openssl rand -hex 12

# generate UUID value

2.9 Package managers

2.9.1 dnf, yum, rpm

DNF Configuration Reference

RPM Fusion - Installing Free and Nonfree Repositories

cat /etc/redhat-release
dnf upgrade --refresh

dnf repolist --all
dnf repolist --enabled --verbose

dnf group list
dnf group info 'Development Tools'
sudo dnf group install 'Development Tools'
sudo dnf group remove 'Development Tools'

dnf list --installed
dnf whatprovides /usr/bin/gzip
dnf list --upgrades [<package-file-spec>...]

dnf history --reverse # show command history
dnf history info
dnf history info 5
dnf history list # latest history ID
dnf history list 101 # specific history ID
dnf history list <package-spec>

dnf repoquery '*-devel'
dnf repoquery PACKAGE_NAME --list
dnf repoquery PACKAGE_NAME --requires

dnf repoquery --queryformat '[%{name}] "%{summary}".\n> %{description}' package
dnf repoquery 'PACKAGENAME' --qf '%{NAME} @%{REPONAME} \t "%{SUMMARY}"\n\tDescription: %{DESCRIPTION}\n\n'

dnf repoquery --userinstalled




Add package source:

sudo cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/vscode.repo <<<'
name=Visual Studio Code

sudo dnf install \$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm +$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
CACHEDIR=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir=/tmp -t temp-XXXXXXXX) # default is /var/cache/dnf
dnf -y makecache --releasever=31 --setopt=cachedir=${CACHEDIR}
sudo chcon --reference /var/cache/dnf -R ${CACHEDIR}  # SELinux type=rpm_var_cache_t

# remake cache
dnf clean all --setopt=cachedir=${CACHEDIR}
dnf makecache --refresh --setopt=cachedir=${CACHEDIR}

# install with dependencies to temporary directory
INSTALLROOT=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir=/tmp -t temp-XXXXXXXX)
sudo dnf --installroot ${INSTALLROOT} \
  --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=<repoid> \
  --releasever 31 \
  --setopt=cachedir=${CACHEDIR} \
  --cacheonly \
  --nodocs \
  --setopt=install_weak_deps=False \
  install httpd
rpm --install xmlstarlet-x.x.x-1.i386.rpm
rpm --erase xmlstarlet

rpm --query --list --package package.rpm
rpm --install --nodeps --noplugins --prefix=/path/to/dir/ package.rpm

# extract rpm contents
rpm2cpio php-5.1.4-1.esp1.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv
  # -i = extract
  # -d = make directories
  # -m = preserve modification time
  # -v = verbose

# rebuild corrupted database
sudo rpm --rebuilddb
yum --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='rhel-7-server-rpms'
yum update
yum install -y httpd
yum remove httpd
yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
yum install pcre pcre-devel zlib zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel
# show update information summary
yum updateinfo
yum updateinfo list --security
yum updateinfo RHSA-2018:1453
yum update --security
yum update --security --sec-severity=Critical,Important
yum update --advisory RHSA-2018:1318 # updates to latest version that contains fix
yum update-minimal --advisory RHSA-2018:1318 # updates to exact version that contains fix

yum updateinfo list --cve CVE-2018-1111
yum update --cve CVE-2018-1111
yum update-minimal --cve CVE-2018-1111

2.9.2 apt, apt-get, dpkg

apt-get clean
apt-get update
apt-get -u upgrade --assume-no
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev

apt-cache search 'search text'
apt-cache depends package # list package dependencies
apt-cache pkgnames
apt-cache show package

apt-get upgrade package2
apt-get remove package1
apt-get purge package2
apt-get --purge remove package2

# remove packages that were automatically installed
apt-get autoremove
apt-get --purge autoremove

# don't upgrade these packages without intervention
apt-mark hold package1 package2

cat /etc/apt/sources.list
cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list
sudo apt update # update sources

add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
dpkg -l # list installed
dpkg --info package
dpkg -L package # list package files of installed package
dpkg --contents file.deb # list package files of archive
dpkg -S /path/to/file # show which package provides a file

dpkg --install file.deb
dpkg --remove package
dpkg --purge package
# extract .deb package
ar x package.deb
dpkg -x package.deb /tmp

2.9.3 pacman

sudo pacman -Syy # refresh
sudo pacman -Syu # update
sudo pacman -Rsn # remove
sudo packer -Ss  # search

3 Windows CLI tools

Everything you wanted to know about variable substitution in strings

$values = @(
'Hello, {0} {1}.' -f $values # Hello, foo bar

# find and replace tokens
$templatelist = @{
  A = 'a'
  B = 'b'
  C = 'c'
$letter = Get-Content -Path file.txt -RAW
foreach( $token in $templatelist.GetEnumerator() )
  $pattern = '%{0}%' -f $token.key
  $letter = $letter -replace $pattern, $token.Value